Monday, November 1, 2010

It Occurs to me...

that though I am intensely involved in the Dylan project I am doing some digital collage for my art journaling plans and I could post them here- (as well as on the Dylan Blog) It would certainly fill up space and look like I'm really blogging! LOL

So here are a couple- yes, variations on a theme.
When I work digitally I often do multiple colors and themes- Its just impossible to resist doing so.
I just get lost in the colors.

And a couple of ATC's awaiting quotes.

As I said, variations on a theme.
Just the color variations here but I'm working on some others using the same profile as it is so iconic.

Want your blog followed?

I know, I know- I'm never here. As explained previously I am really focusing on Mr. Bob Dylan right now- developing an application for a Masters program on the transformative aspects both personally and culturally of the language and imagery he uses- which is extraordinary. Cryptic though people find it, there are gems that can give some AHA moments about life just as any good poetry, good literature and Scripture for world religions can do.

But that is neither here nor there for this post.
Want your blog followed? An odd question from me, eh? I never post to my blog partly because I have no followers- and because I am working on the above.
Though I hope to change that soon as my project is coming together.

Here is a link to a facebook group that helps promote blogs! It looks to be a very interesting way of promotion- helping each other along.
Here is a post by one of the group I particularly liked given my hesitancy/truancy in posting (and commenting) myself.

Of course you couple of followers I do have seem to have no trouble attracting followers and keeping up- with occasional breaks for travel and business and teaching etc.- (see, I do check you out!) but I think you may find some good positive reading on the blog I just posted and some assistance for gaining even more readers. I'm going to do it .... just as soon as I start blogging again- LOL

Those who follow me on facebook are probably sick of my Dylan articles and links I am always posting- I see very few "likes" on them- but I cannot help it. I just can't the man has taken me over- (scary? at this age) Eventually I will find followers friends there who are also Dylanophiles I guess.

Still- If you think I'm obsessed check out Lorilie Dylan's bedroom- and be amazed. She must have 150 framed Dylan pix on her walls- AND she is no kid either! My 21" wall decal looks trifling by comparison.
Not a very good pic- Just an afterthought so I hurried. It is over my jewelry making desk.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

this is not working out

This blog is not working out.
I'm just not inspired to do it-
There are forces working on/in me.
I've been spending time nesting and working hard- internally- on a project- how to go about it, what its purpose is, shaping it in my mind and trying to understand where it is (I am) going with it.
It will involve art-journaling, creative writing of a personal nature, book-art and a blog.

It will also involve Bob Dylan in as much as his art and being (or my projection of his being) is the catalyst.
It might also involve an M.A. I'm making the beginning contact with a University.

I'm excited as well as filled with trepidation.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

16 years-

Well, really only 11 days with no post.
(no one is out there anyway but its all good. Once I'm posting more and being able to interact more with others in cyber-artville I'm hoping for some interaction here.
I've been looking at blogs but not doing much commenting thinking I'm just gonna look for a minute and not get caught up- save time- doesn't work that way.

I took my studio space apart (again) and am slowly putting it back together. Always trying to make more space/storage- and want some aesthetically appealing visuals which I can't seem to get moving on-oddly.
same with the whole house- I still have boxes of "stuff" to unpack and place around the house, art hang up etc.
It just seems that no matter which room I go into there are things to be done- when I pick up something in the Living Room to bring to the Bedroom I get sidetracked into the bedroom- when I bring something to the Kitchen an hour later I'm there...
And we all know what happens when we do something on the internet- check your email or look at a blog and ... where did the time go?
Meantime- life goes on all around me.

I'm planning my bob dylan journals and blog now and that is the one thing I'm excited about.
Still looking for a title.
I startede with "How Can I Explain?" (from a Dylan song)
I've been looking for some I've already done but can't find the pix on my computer.
Its because I Yam what I Yam! LOL

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


well- despite my good intentions I am still not posting regularly.


I once had a friend who said she was going to have --
"she meant well..."
on her gravestone!

I think of that whenever I think of my blogging.

On top of that I believe I am going to start another blog*- Yes, that is right- because I am doing so brilliantly and responsibly with this project I think it imperative that I begin yet another one.

"What would possess you?" you might rightfully ask-
Well its Bob Dylan.
I have been wanting to do some art journals with Dylan lyrics as my focus- Focus is hard for me to come by- I seem to flit and forget.
(hmmm- good title for something)
But Dylan is always a presence over the years- his lyrics often open up and reveal new ideas/thoughts/AHA's in symbolic terms about personal ruminations. The other day I was listening to a song that I have probably heard 1000 times over the course of 45 years- (Blonde on Blonde was released in 1965) For some reason those same lines that I have sung along with took on a kind of life of their own- (mine!) and I had some insights that I thought I would/could/should journal about.
And then I realized that if I started an art journal Blog. I might be more apt to actually do and post the art.

So that is the scoop for me.
I'm a Dylan geek- I call him my imaginary boyfriend- and I'm proud of it!- (thought perhaps slightly embarrassed every so often!) LOL

*Actually I did set it up but I'm going to delete it and use a different email address

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's like a heatwave!

It's not LIKE a heatwave- It IS a heatwave!
The heat index yesterday was 112%!
Well- about 20 miles from here- I don't know what it was here.
Being by the ocean it was a tiny bit less I guess- but still HOT!
I'm trying, I really am trying to get this blog up and running but it always feels so silly writing with no one reading.

I think my next entry will be about what I want this blog to be-
I would like to be chatty, say hi, show off art and whats up on my etsy shop- but I would really like to be writing about ART and the spirit/soul connection. Just thoughts- I'm certainly no expert.
And since I have been avoiding art for a long time.....
somethin's up.
This is a digital ATC I did as an
example for my hindi background
digital collage sheets on etsy.

Friday, July 9, 2010

what a dope. I have to laugh...

So- Since I last posted I have despaired of ever being able to post again.
I could not sign in to my blog. I could see it if I went to it but when I would sign in I would be told I had no blog yet and then be invited to start one.

Aiyeeee- I thought I might wind up being bald from ripping my hair out.

I went to blogger help and forums repeatedly. I asked questions, followed advice. I emptied caches and cookies and restarted. I filled out forms to have account information emailed to me which never came. I did this at least 4 times. I signed out and signed in to each of my other email accounts to see if I had actually used a different email....All to no avail.

Finally I realized I was going to have to start over- but I just couldn't give up.

But wait- what was that about other email...
For some reason, just as I was reconciled to the fact that I was going to have to start again I had some vague recollection that maybe I had created a new email account specifically for this blog. I thought about it for a few minutes, tried to use some logic- and voila!

What a dope!
So now I am back and even though it took a couple of months I hope to be actually getting the hang of this blog thing. I have to fill out my profile soon I guess- and make contact with other bloggers again.
If anyone is out there, I'll see you soon.
The image is from a journal entry LAST July! Hope to post current July journal pages too- IF I ever get re-started.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

working on it...

So- I have worked on my soul collage journal- its taken me since the last post to do two days of prompts but that is OK.
I was waylaid- brought low- by my camera dying on me as I was taking pictures to post.
I can't really afford another camera- but... I have to have one so I can sell-sell-sell all my excess!
So, I ordered this one in blue from HSN since they have a flex pay option and divided the payments over the course of three months.PLUS free shipping which is always good. I might have chosen something different but this had the flex play so this is what I got. I'm guessing it will come next week.

I've been working on more collage sheets- though truth be told I'm starting to resent myself for starting that shop instead of just making art!
However because I did start that shop and am editing images constantly I have tons of ideas perking for some collage projects.

I can't post pix of what I'm working on re: soul collage journal but here is a page from last summer's collage journaling.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

beginning again- and again- and again

The "just do it" bug has finally kicked me in the butt!
I have been wanting to start a new blog focusing on art collage/visual journaling and my etsy collage stuff shop for soooo long- but as I haven't been making any art- doing any collage or journaling ever since I began that shop I felt dopey beginning a blog about it!
Of course I feel dopey writing to no-one here too.

Last summer I did some Art Journaling following the fabulous Kelly Kilmer Journaling prompts class. I joined for 3 or 4 months- forget which- I didn't do every day but I did more than I had done in a couple of years- but then I decided I needed to get this ETSY shop going that had been perking in my head for over a year.
All my efforts have been going to that- and to tell you the truth- I'm kind of not into it right now- even though I have gazillions of images ready to make sheets out of.
OH- the shop is a digital collage sheet/imagery shop.

Anyway- I have been wanting to do the Sarah Whitmire Soul Collage prompts for at least 6 months- I pull them up on my browser and the page stays there until I shut down the computer - (every couple of weeks)
I joined her .ning group but haven't done anything yet-
I even joined the Soul Journaling Yahoo Group- but still- no participation or art.

Partly I tell myself I won't be able to afford it after I do the three weeks of free prompts-
But seriously- to quote Seth Myers- "Really...?"

So tonight I am beginning- I am in the process of preparing a new art journal and following the first prompt.
Lets see what happens.
I guess the first thing to do is go to the groups and say "hey" and intro myself.